Maps & Visualisations to support Space For Cycling Campaigning (and beyond)

After discussion at the LCC workshop on Space4Cycling, here are our notes and links to current work.

Email us if you have queries or suggestions, or comment below.

Borough Ward Maps

How to make a ward map for your borough.

STATS19 Mapping

STATS19 London cycle collision data 2012 – 1994 Google Fusion Table Map

STATS19 London cycle collision data guide

STATS19 London cycle collision data 2012 – 1979 (as an Excel xlsx file)

We’ve also made two other uploads of this data for the UK as a whole and to show all data in Hammersmith.

STATS19 UK Killed and Seriously Injured only 2012 – 1987 Google Fusion Table Map

STATS 19 Hammersmith only 2012-1982 Google Fusion Table Map

Schools Listing and Map

List of London Schools with cycling rates from 2011, listed by borough and ward (as an excel file)
Map of England and Wales Schools with maps of walking and cycling rates as at 2011
(thanks to Jack Thurston for inspiration on this)
The transport data on these maps is based on hands up surveys. We’ve only linked data where existing open school identifier matches that from the 2011 data. There may be some schools therefore with a low cycling rate where at least the building and possibly a previous incarnation of the school had a good cycling rate. We’re looking at ways of adding their data. Thanks to Robert Heyward for pointing out some examples of this.

Space for Cycling Data

Space4Cycling survey data fusion table

DfT Traffic Count Data with PCUs and borough/ward (for all of UK)

We have reworked DfT Traffic Count Data to add PCUs and make a genuinely browsable interactive map.

This is based on DFT Traffic Count Data and we have added PCUs to support use with LCC Protected Space guidelines

Making photos for the Ward Asks, and other imagery sources

After a query from Tim Lennon on the email list, we made a quick summary of where we were on ward ask photos in early March, complete with links and some tips.

Other resources

Interactive Maps  by ITO World based on OpenStreetMap – speed limits and lane counts (note, incomplete data, if this is useful we can help complete the data set)

Streetmix (mock up street width layouts)

Cycling Embassy of Great Britain discussion on 3d modelling

Cyclescape – as used by Richmond LCC and Camden

Still to come

  • How to use Google Earth with Space4Cycling Data
  • How to overlay maps from councils and transport bodies onto Google Earth
  • How we’re using PostGIS to map points to wards, boroughs and constituencies
  • How to make Google Fusion Tables work when it doesn’t want to
  • Getting professional – when to give in and use QGIS

Notes from the LCC Workshop

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The Hammersmith and Fulham branch of the London Cycling Campaign