We now have a for immediate news sharing and informal discussion. As a chat group we suggest that if you join you may wish to consider muting your notifications in your group settings. Please click on this link to join:

Our next local shorter ride will be on Sunday 4 October 2020. Start at Brook Green, W6 7BD beside the tennis courts by Dunsany Rd. These rides take place each Sunday, departing at 10am. Registration is required through our Eventbrite booking system. We also have a second group for spillover and marshalls. Note we are limited to 6 riders per group.
Mums for Lungs invite you to their next meeting, Wednesday 7 October, 8pm on Zoom. They will be pleased to grow participation from residents of Hammersmith and Fulham. Please sign up to their newsletter at https://www.mumsforlungs.org/join-us if you want to hear about new campaigns.

Research project on pollution seeks volunteers for study
A research project called INHALE, led by Imperial College London, with the University of Surrey and the University of Edinburgh University will assess the impact of air pollution on personal health in urban environments.
The project is now looking for healthy or asthmatic volunteers to participate in the study.
If you live in West London, find out more.

We were thrilled to have over 450 registered participants from around the world for the live Summit, 20-21 September 2020. All of the recorded plenary panels and Speakers Corner sessions are now available to access here.
They are in the process of adding the Speakers Corner and plenary panel recordings to the Car Free Day Vimeo Channel here.

Campaigner Awards
To reflect all the incredible work over the last year, we have changed the Campaigner Awards slightly this year. We are seeking nominations for new categories, including for external individuals and organisation.
Please take a look at the new categories, nominate your fellow volunteers and activists, and help us celebrate the amazing work you guys have done!
Deadline for nominations is midnight Sunday 11 October 2020, with the winners announced as part of the Campaigners Conference on Tuesday 27 October.
Webinar – A national Gear Change for cycling?
LCC’s Chief Executive, Ashok Sinha and other leading campaigners discussed DfT’s ‘Gear Change’ proposal to encourage cycling in England. It’s the most positive pronouncement on active travel ever, so can cycle campaigns sit back, and watch as the streets around them become places for people and not cars or do we need to crank up the pressure?
Panellists included:
Ashok Sinha, CEO London Cycling Campaign
Ruth Cadbury MP, Co-Chair All Party Parliamentary Group for Cycling & Walking
Chris Boardman, Greater Manchester’s Walking & Cycling Commissioner
Fran Graham, LCC’s Campaign Coordinator
You can see a round up of the discussion here: https://www.lcc.org.uk/articles/webinar-round-up-a-national-gear-change-for-cycling

An inspirational watch on BBC iPlayer as a few people try to improve their health and prepare for the Prudential London-Surrey 100 ride https://bbc.in/3kQ0s1u