Category Archives: Meetings

We have on-going discussions on our email group. We also hold a regular meeting for which we provide an Agenda before and Minutes afterwards, details of meetings between December 2001 and June 2013 are on our old website.

Agenda for November 2013 meeting

Meeting on Tuesday 12th November 2013, 7:15PM for a 7:30PM start

At the home of Alex Ingram, 126 Hammersmith Grove W6 7HB – opposite Trussley Dry Cleaners (confusingly no. 97)

Please call or email Alex to let him know if you are able to come by email to or phone – 07717725120.

  1. Welcome to any new members
  2. Update on ongoing issues
    – Superhighway 9
    – Hammersmith Bridge
    – Flyunder
  3. Cycle Hire extension into the borough
  4. Lorry safety (follow up)
  5. Neighbourhood Traffic Schemes in Sulgrave Rd and Greenside Rd
  6. White City Opportunity Area
    – responses from council in adoption of their plan
    – context of Nine Elms/ London Cycle Design Standards 2 to this area and beyond
  7. LBHF LIP 2014/15 – following on from our review.
  8. Space4Cycling/2014 Elections
  9. Cycling on pavements – shared use and anti-social queries
  10. Any Other Business

minutes of October 2013 meeting

Meeting of hfcyclists on Tuesday 8th October at the home of John Griffiths
Attending: John Griffiths, Alan Rowden, Milan Desai, Janusz Carmello, Alex Ingram, Suzie Gretz, Ayse Kardes, Sima John, David Marsh,
Apologies: Natasha Herriott, Ken McCosh, Paul Saunderson

1) Welcome to any new members
No new members at this meeting.

2) Ongoing issues
John and Alex noted their requested meeting with the council not settled yet, but should be before end of the year.
Hammersmith Bridge – Group now looking at data about traffic over the bridge, and so a count was discussed. John Griffiths said we need two volunteers to make a successful count. Alex keen we count cyclists on the road and footway as well. Sima and others keen we also count those on the mall (north bank of the Thames). John G suggested we could do with a speed gun, Alex said he had access to one. Timing was discussed and 7:30-9:30 was chosen as a target time, aim to do survey by close of following week. Alex, John and Sima said they were keen to do count at meeting. Alex I also keen that we undertake an east-west axis count somewhere else in borough later this year to complement this north-south axis count.

Continue reading minutes of October 2013 meeting

Agenda for October 2013 meeting

Meeting on Tuesday 8th October 2013, 7;15PM for a 7:30PM start

At the home of John Griffiths, 122C Edith Road W14 9AP – [corner of North End Road]

07789 095 748 john [at]

There will be refreshments, please RSVP to John as early as you can to confirm you are able to make it. Apologies may go to John or Alex.

  1. Welcome to new members
  2. Update on ongoing issues – Hammersmith Bridge, Superhighway 9
  3. Flyunder Summit
  4. Update on website and social media
  5. Space4Cycling and involving the membership
  6. Central LCC matters – AGM on Saturday 19th October
  7. Expenses
  8. Date and Venue for next meeting
  9. Any Other Business?

Notes of Meeting, 12th July 2013

Notes of Hammersmith and Fulham Cyclists July Meeting
Friday 12th July, 8pm at the home of Susie Gretz.

1) Attendance
New attendee – Jane O’Grady
Returning – Susie Gretz, John Griffiths, Janusz Carmello, Paul Saunderson, Alan Rowden, Ayse Karde, Ken McCosh and Alex Ingram
Apologies – Natasha Herriot, Roger de Freitas, David Marsh

The meeting started later than usual due to the Space For Cycling protest led by the LCC at Aldgate in the wake of the recent fatality there. Three regular meeting attendees (Alex, Natasha and Janusch) were on the ride and many others from the West of London were also making their voices heard. Total turnout on the day was over 1,500 – LCC report here:

Continue reading Notes of Meeting, 12th July 2013