HFCyclists Meeting May 2019

Hammersmith and Fulham Cyclists invite you to our monthly meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2019.
The meeting will be held at Pekoe Mellow Tea House, 22 Aldensley Road, Brackenbury Village, Hammersmith W6 0DH.

In a change to the usual start time, the meeting will hold from 7.00pm. Please arrive 6.45 for the 7.00 – 9.00pm meeting. Pekoe Mellow offers a range of wonderful teas and beverages with home baked speciality cakes as available refreshments.
At the meeting we shall discuss topics including ongoing concerns around Goldhawk Road, Uxbridge Road and Fulham High Street; new projects from White City to Notting Hill; Hammersmith Bridge; forthcoming rides and Prudential London Freecycle among others.

Notes from our last meeting are on the website.

If you have any particular observations to bring up we will like you to bring them up. Email ahead to notify us.

Contact hfcyclists@lcc.org.uk