Meeting on Tuesday 12th November 2013, 7:15PM for a 7:30PM start
At the home of Alex Ingram, 126 Hammersmith Grove W6 7HB – opposite Trussley Dry Cleaners (confusingly no. 97)
Please call or email Alex to let him know if you are able to come by email to or phone – 07717725120.
- Welcome to any new members
- Update on ongoing issues
– Superhighway 9
– Hammersmith Bridge
– Flyunder - Cycle Hire extension into the borough
- Lorry safety (follow up)
- Neighbourhood Traffic Schemes in Sulgrave Rd and Greenside Rd
- White City Opportunity Area
– responses from council in adoption of their plan
– context of Nine Elms/ London Cycle Design Standards 2 to this area and beyond - LBHF LIP 2014/15 – following on from our review.
- Space4Cycling/2014 Elections
- Cycling on pavements – shared use and anti-social queries
- Any Other Business