It is expected that the roadway of Hammersmith Bridge will be completely closed for a year commencing January 2016. The footways will still be open.
On 25 April we had a ride over the bridge with LBHF Councillors. The object was to convince them that measures were needed to make cycling safer and more appealing on the bridge.
Instead of the present paltry markings, meant to convey that cyclists should “hold the lane” at the pinch points
we want something more substantial that shows cyclists have priority on the bridge.
It would be good to have signs saying “DO NOT OVERTAKE CYCLISTS” but officialdom [Road Sign regulations] and anti-clutter sentiment weigh heavily against this.
John Griffiths has written to the Council hoping that they will include this in the Cycling Strategy at this late stage.
LBHF plan to consult on the Bridge and the approaches soon. This is expected February 2015. They intend to give the bridge a 20 mph speed limit. This will necessitate signs on the bridge saying 20 mph.
In conversations with officers the have said they do not intend to have any notices or road markings indicating “Cyclist Priority” or “Narrow Lanes – Do not overtake cyclists”
When the consultation appears I hope people will respond saying that these are essential . John Griffiths 25 Jan 2015
Last year we had a survey on Hammersmith Bridge which is now closed. The survey started on 12 May 2014 and has attracted 141 respondents. The survey was issued via cyclist email lists, leaflets handed out near Hammersmith Bridge and via the Hammersmith Today website and newsletter.
The survey asked about the new markings and logos placed on the bridge. The markings were intended to encourage cyclists to ride in a primary position and to “hold the lane” so that they could not be overtaken at pinch pints. The responsibility was placed on the cyclists to be brave, and not on the motorist to give way.
The headline results were
a] 32% believed that the message from the logos was that cyclists were meant to ride on the left so that they could be overtaken at the pinch points.
b] To the question “Do the markings make you feel safer?” the most popular response was that it makes no difference,followed by it makes it riskier for cyclists.
c] 95% wanted a 20mph limit installed as soon as possible.
Of the 141 respondents 62 live in H&F and 25 live in Richmond. Of the 141 respondents 44 work or study in H&F, 11 in Richmond. Most were confident or very confident cyclists.
Conclusion from this survey is that the present system is not satisfactory.
Already plenty of interesting feedback in our Hammersmith Bridge survey, take five and give us yours. #hbconcepts http://t.co/an3waSsqxj
— H’smith & Fulham LCC (@hfcyclists) May 12, 2014
We see the survey as a quest to look into the possible ways the bridge can be handled in the long term, especially as it is due for more serious renewal in 2015. However, in the immediate short term we continue to campaign for our demand in Space For Cycling to see the bridge and surrounding roads up to Hammersmith Broadway and beyond made 20mph.